Cheltenham and Gloucester Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Cheltenham and Gloucester is +44 1452 372 372 .
Cheltenham and Gloucester officially known as Cheltenham and Gloucester Plc., (C&G) is one among the largest mortgage lending companies in the United Kingdom. The company was established in the year 1850. The headquarters of the company is situated at Gloucester, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom. The parent company of Cheltenham and Gloucester is Lloyds Banking Group.

Services and Products

The services of the company are provided in Three different regions of the United Kingdom that is England, Scotland and Wales. The portfolio of the company consists of mainly two financial services that are savings products and mortgages.


It provides mortgages and saving products to the residents of England. Cheltenham and Gloucester mortgages are governed by Cheltenham and Gloucester plc., but Cheltenham and Gloucester savings are administered by Lloyds TSB Bank plc., Cheltenham and Gloucester plc., is a Financial Services Authority (FSA) registered company.


Initially the company was indulged in the building society business and its name was Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society. The company opened its first branch in the year 1890 in Gloucester and until 1979; it had established about 100 branches within the United Kingdom. It was in the year 1989 that the headquarters of the company was moved from Cheltenham to Barnwood. The company combined with the Heart Building Society in 1993 and at the same time it got control over the Essex Equitable, Portsmouth, Bury St Edmunds, Guardian, Bolton, Peckham, London Permanent, Walthamstow, Colchester and Cardiff. In 1995, the company changed its business to a financial service provider bank.

Contact Details

The timings of customer support services offered by the company are Monday to Friday from 8 AM-8 PM and Saturday from 9 AM-2 PM.

Cheltenham and Gloucester Address

The address of Cheltenham and Gloucester is PO Box 1888, Andover, United Kingdom.

Cheltenham and Gloucester Website

The Website of Cheltenham and Gloucester is

Cheltenham and Gloucester Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Cheltenham and Gloucester is +44 1452 372 372 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Cheltenham and Gloucester Service Center and Cheltenham and Gloucester customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Cheltenham and Gloucester customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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