Cineworld Nottingham Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Cineworld Nottingham is +44 844 815 7747 .
Cineworld Nottingham is a branch of Cineworld Group Plc. which is a public cinema chain. It was established in July 1996 in Stevenage. The headquarters of the company is located at London, United Kingdom. The cinema chains of the company are located in several different regions such as Europe, Ireland, Jersey and the United Kingdom.


There are 81 cinema chain of the company within the United Kingdom, of which 79 are located in England, one in Ireland and one in Jersey. Cineworld is regarded as the second largest cinema operator of England with more than 800 screens. It is also considered the single largest multiplex owner according to the screens and the customer base of the company is situated in Ireland. Stephen Wiener is the Chief Executive Officer of the company. The company acquired O2 cinema in 2010 and Picture house chain of cinemas in December 2012. The Cineworld Glasgow Renfrew Street cinema of the company is regarded as the tallest cinema of the world. According to the count of the customers, it is also the busiest cinema of the United Kingdom. The highest number of the screens in the company’s cinema is twenty, which are at Sheffield's Valley Centertainment.


The first cinema of the company was opened in Stevenage, Hertfordshire in the year 1996 and the same year, the second cinema of the company was opened in Wakefield, Yorkshire. Later in 1998, a new location named Shrewbury, Shropshire was covered by the company. The total count of the employees of the company as of 2013 was about 4,300. These employees were appointed on zero hour contract bases.

Contact Details

For any other query or detailed information related to the Cineworld Group Plc., call the customer service number of the company that are 0330-333-4444, 0871-200-20000. Cineworld customer service are available from Monday - Friday: 9am - 5.30pm and Saturday: 10am - 6.30pm.

Cineworld Nottingham Address

The address of Cineworld Nottingham is The Corner House 29 Forman Street, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Cineworld Nottingham Website

The Website of Cineworld Nottingham is

Cineworld Nottingham Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Cineworld Nottingham is +44 844 815 7747 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Cineworld Nottingham Service Center and Cineworld Nottingham customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Cineworld Nottingham customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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