Mr. Dinesh Reddy On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
Atm issue. Today at around 8. 30 i drwaed some money first time ATM is strucked i did not taken money. I tried second time and i collected money from ATM 300rs. But i got message money withdral two times. I lossed 300dhirams money please check and do needful. thank you.
Mr. Muhammad Hashim On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
Hi I have auto loan of my car number 81521 Yaris and I received message today saying you are overdue, but how I have money in my account kindly check please and I am paying every month 972 dhs and account is commercial bank dubai.
Mr. Waheed Saddal On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
Good morning sir,
I apply for car loan in dubai islamic bank. I send my three month bank statement my salary certificate my driving license emirates ID visa page passport copy. My Pakistan and emirates addresses. Two contact persons mobile numbers to Waseem Badareen
Senior Customer Service Officer. He called me and asked me about my salary and other things. And he said send me your three months credit card statement along with you leave paper and airline ticket, that i was on vacation in 11th of December 2015 and 9th of January 2016. He given me this email ID waseem. Badareen@dib. Ae i sent all my document, but since three days there is no response even i am calling his mobile number 00971562209622 and his landline no 022058313. My complaint is only why your service is too poor
i am fulfilling all your bank requirements and arranging all document , but there is no response from your side.
Mr. ahamed anver On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
Assalamu alaikumthis is anver from sharjah. Since the month of June bank automatically deduct ten dirhams from my account reason coming JOB LOSS TAKFAUL. Kindly de-activate this job loss takaful. Please do not deduct in future. My account No: 023520036344101Name: Ahamed Anver ahamed ammanullaaccount type: current acount.
Mr. Mehboob Alam On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
Respected sir /Mamei am Mehboob Alam usg guard no 3533 Abhu Dhabi i submit complain about my debit card of DIB account for renewal a lot of time i call and ask about my card shipment tracking number, but they provide me my phone number not shipment tracking number, but impost ask me about my debit card shipment tracking no please provide me shipment tracking no my account is 044520044227601 my name is Mehboob Alam USG guard no 3533 pleas send me tracking no.
Mr. Mehboob Alam On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
I am Mehboob Alam DIB account holder I insert my ATM card in NBAD ATM it suck my card. I context to NBAD they refer me to context DIB. Please help me in this meter.
Mr. Shyamsundar On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
How would i reach customer service agent as I am not the customer of DIB. This call number does not help for non customers. On 27th February 1915 hrs I used my ADIB ATM card to withdraw 5000 AED at Dubai Islamic Bank ATM in Lulu Village. After all the process the ATM didi not dispense any cash instead a notification came saying that "transaction cancelled and please remove your card" after removing card the machine did not print any advice for my reference and when i checked my bank it says transaction is successful. Raised complain with ADIB. Case REF: 00199838. Kindly check and do necessary correction.
Mr. Abdul Muneer Abdu Rahman Anakkappar On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
I am an account holder of dib. I tried to withdraw an amount of aed 500 through adib, atm number 4607 on 7th of February 2015 evening. The machine returned a processing statement, but i did not get the money. When inquired on the balance, the amount(aed500) was already deducted from my account for which the amount was not actually provided. Please look into the matter as soon as possible so that i can recover my money. My account number is 005520058759701.
Mr. Min Prasad Gurung On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
I am holding a Dib ATM number 4568350608257007. My name is Min Prasad Gurung. I want in my mobile phone monthly salary notification message. My mobile number 0557231445.
Hoping for favourable response. Every one of my friend gets the message at salary time. So i need it. Though, we opened our bank account at same time. Please help me.
Mr. Vasanthakumar J On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
Hi i would like to inform you regarding my Debit card, last one year i did not open my online banking so that i forgot my user ID and also password. so please help me to recover my user ID and password if you need more details my card number4568350062074013 VASANTHAKUMAR JAYARAMAN and my mobile number 971556701457 which is i given to Dib bank. I hope to fullfill my needful.
Thanks and Regards
Vasanthakumar J
Mr. Priyesh On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
Dear sir, i am working in axiom telecom . I applied for a personal loan from dubai Islamic bank. Some of my colleges got loan, but even though I am submitting all the documents and behind of the agent it's still process . I trusted bank, but very pathetic response I got. please call me on my mobile number 055 1084982
Mr. Priyesh On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
Dear sir, me applied for personal loan and not yet got. All the documents needed given to bank almost four months behind of that . It's pathetic
Mr. Mayur Hotwani On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
Dear Sir,
Please be noted my auto loan Post dated cheque(0000909201) from SCB should be deposited on 5th of the month, but still its not been reflecting in my statement . Kindly let me know if the same been deposited.
Mr. siladitya pradhan On Phone To Dib United Arab Emirates Service
create of mobile number
card number :4568350143107006
siladitya pradhan