Mr. Ibrahiem Al Rashiedy On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
My tablet lenovo tab3 seven essential not accepted the charging
i belive the problem with the battery
my contact 00201008176838.
Ms. Amira Ismail On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
My Laptop is not reading any external USB. NOTHING CAN'T BE SEND BY BLUETOOTH. Mobile number : 0100 1200534.
Mr. Rohit Saini On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Dear sir i have lenovo vibe p1 mobile which is in warranty now. Yesterday i start update android software and suddenly i do not know whar happen, now it is not starting andrion asking for reset, when i press that reset is hapening. Please help me sir i am in alexendria now. Please help me sir.
Ms. Sara Marei On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
No one answers everytime i call whatever the day or the time and i have pb with my laptop which make me upset. Please answer me quickly. Thanks in advance.
Ms. Mona Hussein On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Hello, Please I am trying to reach your company, but there's no way to contact and the phone number is wrong. So please here's my issue:My tablet has been stolen and i want to contact with you to follow it by iemi. So. If you please contact me to know what shall i do. 201203090490Regards.
Mr. Omar Ahmed Abdelwahab On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Dear sir;i have a software problem with my lenovo PC and i bought it eight months ago from extra madina ksa Redingtone here in egypt told me that the receipt must be present to process my warranty Is that logic to have a receipt with its ink for eight months Its ink disappeared I never had a problem like this with any global warranty. So tell me what should i do ? My mobile number :01063891447.
Ms. Shahd On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Hi dear,
my laptop is lenovo G570, windows 10. The oneKey button didn't work, i can not open the Bios and i need to open it importantly. Thanks,
Shahd .
Mr. Mahmoud Mostafa On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
I purchased Lenovo laptop, there is a problem with the keyboard (Keys C, D, and E does not work random), I went to Redington service center in Nasr City to fix the issue, and they reported no problem however these keys still does not work.
Mr. Ali Kamal On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
I'm looking for 14 inch Lenovo laptop, I visited Compume, Radio Shack, they I found only one model, do you have any other dealers in Heliopolis?.
Mr. Dr. Mohamed M. El-refaee On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Dear Sirs:
I bought X1 carbon Thinkpad laptop Lenovo five months ago in the US. No I am in Egypt and I discover that the screen is not touchable
Could I change only the screen and pay the difference. If answer is yes how much.
Dr. EL-Refaee.
I would like to get in contact with Lenovo Egypt official center
I have problems with maintenance and spare parts such as the digitizer lenovo pen
Therefore your help is needed
my model is Thinkpad 230.
Ms. Jasmeen Maher On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Phone number 24801591 no answer and 25948500 not reachable. I need to contact anyone from the technical support as i've a problem with my tablet and i couldn'y switch it on now. Please contact me as soon as possible this is urgent please.
Mr. Sayed Salem On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
I have LENOVO laptop computer, there is problem, may be software or hard ware, I can not know, I need to repair at service center authorized by LENOVO in Cairo, better in Nasr City or Heliopolis. My email address : sayed-salem@hotmail.commobile : 01005112560 and 01002180553.
Ms. Basma On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Hey, i was just installing the latest software version for lenovo S580 cellphone when my cellphone ran out of battery and the installation wasn't done, so now I am trying to open my phone, but everytime i open it it shut downs again, i tried to install some software's on my computer to install it on my device, but when i connect my device to the computer it opens then closes again, so what should i do? please help me.
Mr. Ahmed Emad On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Ny lap is IdeaPad Z Series laptops Z570 Laptop (IdeaPad) and i have a problem in it. My lap cannot turn on i think i have problem in Shipping Department and i need fast repair because i have exam and every thing on it my phone number : 01004825261.
Mr. Mohamed M. El-refaee On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
I have lenovo ThinkPad Touchable screen X230. I got some scratch in the screen (few) and I am afraid it will effect the performance afterwardsI am not sure if these scratches are in the LCD inside or in other screen layers?I used to go to your maintenance center near Lebanon squareis it still working and what is the phone number?RegardsProf. M. M. EL-Refaee.
Mr. Mahmoud Diaa On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Downloaded and installed the bios update for Z 510 IDEA PAD from LENOVO official website, then the laptop could not start-up again. Lenovo agent in egypt "REDINGTON EGYPT" told me that the motherboard must be replaced claiming that the installed bios update is not the correct version. Actually this is the 1st time to see an agent request to replace hardware component because of software conflict. Also it is not my fault that the version of bios update is incorrect version as it was downloaded from the official website, Please help me to find a solution to my problem with this "agent" also to rectify my laptop. Your quick response is highly appreciated as i am in bad need to my laptop. Laptop serial: "YB01075366" Model: "LENOVO Ideapad Z510"MOBILE NO. 201007377639Email:mahmoud_diaa@hotmail.comRegards, .
Mr. Mohamed On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
Please call me my phone is 01003809090. I want to ask about something for tab a3300_gv.
Mr. HAIDER S H On Phone To Lenovo Egypt Service
plz provide e mail adress of CEO AND PRESIDENT OF lenovo.
my e mail adress is