Mr. Natarajan M On Phone To Motorola Singapore Service
From Singapore, my son presented Motorola cordless phone s12 recently. It has been purchased at west mall, Bukit Batak (Harvey Normen) recently. It shows "Not Registered" now. Unable to link with base. Why? What is the remedy? Pleas inform method of activation. From Tamilnadu, India.
Ms. Perlyn On Phone To Motorola Singapore Service
I purchased a Motorola cordless phone D1001 less than six months ago. It stopped working three weeks ago. I tried calling the service center, but there is no answer after repeated calls. Please reply. Thanks.
Mr. Zaw Thant Min On Phone To Motorola Singapore Service
Dear Sir / Madam, Please refer to attached photo. My Cordless Phone ME 4052-2 was not working anymore. Out of a sudden, "no call" signal appeared as attached and antennae sign was blinking. And my phone is not working anymore. Phone line and sockets are ok. I have tried to reset default. But not successful. Please help. Zaw Thant Min Hp: 91017306.
Mr. Ace Tan On Phone To Motorola Singapore Service
Had bought the cordless phone c602, but the main set power cord was not functioning, thus the extended set unable to use also, please advise.
Mr. Santhosh Bysani On Phone To Motorola Singapore Service
No response. No one is answering the call. I am planning to purchase Moto Nexus six 32 GB Black color in Singapore. I could not get the address from where i need to purchase the phone. Could you kindly assist me by providing the address of the shop and if there is no shop, then provide me the link from which i can purchase the phone.
Ms. Josephine Leong On Phone To Motorola Singapore Service
I have a Motorola cordless phone which was bought just a few months ago. Unable to make calls either in Base one or Handset one mode, meaning no dialing tone. Also no ringing tone when there is an incoming call and cannot receive calls. Please advise what has gone wrong with the phone. This is the 3rd time I encounter such problem with Motorola cordless phones.
Mr. Ho FS On Phone To Motorola Singapore Service
I have a motorola December phone less than a year. The handset#2 cannot dial or make call. Handset#1 is ok. Please advise what
Ms. Teresa On Phone To Motorola Singapore Service
I bought a Motorola C6 cordless phone recently. There is always a beeping tone when the handset is placed on the charger. Please advise on how to rectify the problem