Nautica Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Nautica is +1-866-376-4184 .
Nautica customer service number is frequently searched on the web. We always keep updated contact information of Nautica.
Nautica is an international brand of fashion and apparel products for men, women and children that is owned by a US based clothing and accessories company named VF Corporation. Under Nautica brand, the owner company sell a wide array of global lifestyle outerwear products ranging from shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, shorts, pants, shoes, fragrances, sleepwear, dresses and skirts, sweaters, tops, watches and accessories.

Nautica Customer Service Inception

Nautica brand came into existence in the year 1983 by the extreme efforts of fashion designer, David Chu. The business operations of the parent company are divided into two divisions named Nautica Jeans Company and Nautica Sportswear. In 1984, it was acquired by American based company named State-O-Main that changed its name to current name, i.e. Nautica in the year 1994. The name Nautica came from a Latin word Nauticus for naval and in Italian language nautica means seamanship. In 2003, the operations of Nautica were went in the hands of VF Corporation. Nautica brand products are sold through over More Than three thousand branded shop-in-shops, dealers and distributors in over 75 countries of the world.

Nautica Headquarters Address:

40 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, United States.
The above is the address of the corporate office of Nautica that houses the different departments of the company.

Nautica Customer Service Contact Number:

Any information related to the company can be obtained through by dialing the customer service number of the company listed above.

Nautica Official Website: is the website of Nautica
More information about Nautica like products offered by the company is available on the official website of the company.

Nautica Social Networking Profiles:

The Nautica Facebook page of the company is listed below that can be liked for getting updates about the company which it posts on their webpage.

The Nautica Twitter handle of Nautica is listed below where people can connect with the company.

Nautica Address

The address of Nautica is 40 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, United States.

Nautica Website

The Website of Nautica is

Nautica Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nautica is +1-866-376-4184 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nautica Service Center and Nautica customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Nautica customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Nautica Phone Number Customer Service

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Nautica Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. John CallsJul 25, 2018

I hair a pair of Nautica sunglasses I purchased an the Westchester Mall several years ago. Considering what I payed for them, the quality is poor. The lenses have deteriorated considerably. It's hard to describe, it's like the difference between looking through a brand new car windshield and the windshield on a 40 year old car. What to do?.

Customer care female
Ms. Elizabeth Brown CallsFeb 22, 2016

I recently purchased the white Nautica packable hooded puffer coat. I washed it for the 1st time as directed and did not dry in dryer. The black color on the trim has faded onto the white in about four places. I love this coat and am not able to buy another. The black will not come off and is so bad that the coat is unwearable. Please help,

Thank you.

Customer care female
Ms. Rosslyn King CallsApr 14, 2015

Ms. Rosslyn King On Phone To Nautica Service
I brought a bath towel just last week and I washed it before using it and it raffled up strings are hanging out on one side. I do not know whether to take it back to the store or just what to do because it hasn't been used as if yet.

Nautica Customer Service Care Phone Number 216862
Mr. Cesar Lau CallsFeb 10, 2015

I purchased several clothing items at the Nautica store.

Customer care male
Mr. Akshat Jain CallsNov 26, 2014

My name is AkshatJain
I had purchased Nautica watch model number A15605G on 29th October, 2013 from The Time Factory, address. Let me briefly explain you the problem which I'm facing right now. Some moisture had gone inside the watch after it fell in a bucket full of water. The moisture evaporates during the day and comes back at night, but the watch is still working. I believe this watch has water resistancy of 100mts. I had given the watch for repair on 8th Oct, 2014. And after one month the shop from where I purchased the watch are saying that we are not able to repair the watch. So as a solution they said that I can select any watch from Nautica website and they will replace the faulty watch with a new watch of my selection. When I gave them a similar model number, they didn't have that model and instead they gave me a list of Nautica watches to choose from. Nautica STOCK SHEET

A15605G1. 13, 995. A15609G1. 13, 995. A18509M1. 14, 495. A18593G1. 14, 995. A18620G1. 14, 995.

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