Mr. Luke Waldner On Phone To Rival Usa Service
I have a fd350s fondue pot and the leg broke of how do I get a new one can you send me one Please.
Ms. Nou Yang On Phone To Rival Usa Service
I recently purchased a rival microwave from Walmart. It's been a month now and inside the microwave when I use ito heat up my food I see A spark and it popped inside the microwave my question is is it safe to use? Please contact me back at 559-777-0536my name is Nou Yang .
Ms. S. Tolpina On Phone To Rival Usa Service
I have bought Rival portable cordles kitchen kettle, 1. seven L at Wallmart. Model number WK8283CU. All of the sudden it's stopped working. The kettle stopped boiled water? Something wrong with the bas connection inside the kettle. How I can exchange it? PlPlease, let me know. Thanks.
Ms. Darla Watson On Phone To Rival Usa Service
We purchased two coffeemakers the first one we purchased we got to use it a couple of times before it stopped working I took it back to Walmart where it was purchased they wouldn't take it back I had to get another one so we do and I make one pot of tea it worked fine I go to make a pot of coffee it didn't do anything I purchased both at Walmart I'll never buy anymore Rival products I'm very dissatisfied