Sallys Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Sallys is +1-866-234-9442 .
Sallys originally known as Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. is a company that is in the field manufacturing and sales of personal care and beauty products. Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. sell its products through two businesses named as Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group. Sally Beauty Supply ranked at the top position in the list of professional beauty supplies retailers. Sally Beauty has business operations across Asia, Europe, Americas, Africa and Australia through its stores at numerous locations. Some of the countries of operations are the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico, Chile, France, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, Germany and many others.

Sally Beauty Supply product line contain a wide range of products over the mark of six thousand unique products. The products are ranging from hair extensions, brushes and combs, hair accessories, clippers and trimmers, cosmetic bags and make-up items, nail polish and files, skin care products, hair removers, spa equipment, moisturizers, salon supplies, student kits, towels, wrap and neck strips, sunglasses and reading glasses, travel and storage containers.

Sally Beauty Supply History

Sally Beauty Supply was established in the year 1964 initially with a single location in New Orleans that is grown into over the mark of 2,700 outlets in the world according to a report published on 30th of September 2014. The parent company of Sally Beauty Supply, i.e. Sally Beauty Holdings, Plc was formed in the year 1994

Sally Beauty Supply Corporate Office:

3001 Colorado Boulevard, Denton, Texas 76210 United States
The address of the corporate office of Sally Beauty Supply is listed above that houses different departments of the company.

Sally Beauty Supply Phone Number:

Sally Beauty Supply can be contacted through phone by dialing the above mentioned number for contacting the company in any case of inquiry related to the company.

Sally Beauty Supply Email-id:
Sally Beauty Supply can also be contacted through email by sending your queries to the above listed email address.

Sally Beauty Supply Website:
Sally Beauty Supply is having a website for more information about the company.

Sally Beauty Supply Facebook Page:
Sally Beauty Supply is having a Facebook page through which people can connect with the company for getting latest updates.

Sally Beauty Supply Twitter Handle:
The Twitter handle of the company is listed above that can be followed for viewing company profile on the social media network.

Operation Hours of the customer service

Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Sallys Address

The address of Sallys is 3001 Colorado Boulevard, Denton, Texas 76210 United States.

Sallys Email Address

The email address of Sallys is

Sallys Website

The Website of Sallys is

Sallys Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Sallys is +1-866-234-9442 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Sallys Service Center and Sallys customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Sallys customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Sallys. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Sallys will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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