Ms. Miss Kayla On Phone To Tangs Service
This shopping service is extremely bad. I think that i should send email to the top level of management. So disgusting for me.
Ms. Liu Jiaxin On Phone To Tangs Service
Complaint: it is extremely surprising that tang's official website does not work, which is extremely not convenient for me. Your customer service's staff do not answer my phone. So bad service in tang;'s.
Just experienced a terrible customer service or cashier Madam Kamsiah at ck Tangs kitchen area today around 345 -4pm. Both cashiers are busy chit chatting, when i approached them, mdm kamsiah seems not in her "good mood" to serve customer, her attitude is rude, she even used her finger nail to make the knocking sound on credit card signing panel to ask me to sign, without a word coming out from her. I have been a regular customer at Tangs, this is my first time having this upset feeling after my purchase. Perhaps training is needed and exchanging phone messages or chit chatting should keep at the minimum. 5.
Ms. Belinda Gan On Phone To Tangs Service
I bought three pieces of Anya HindMarch wrist lets last December (2014). One piece is a black colored one with white spots. Recently the white spots are peeling off, i. E. Less than five months usage. May I know if this is a manufacturing defect or is it expected to peel off with daily usage? Thanking you in advance for your feedback.