360 Mall Kuwait Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of 360 Mall Kuwait is +965 1800 360,Fax : +965 2530 9531 .
The 360 Mall is located at Sixth Ring Road, South Surra, Al Zahra’a Area, Safat 13151, Kuwait. The 360 Mall is the unique mall developed at Sixth Ring Road. The mall is opened at busy and residential area. It provides facilities to local community and visitors from further areas. The 360 Mall is developed on 82000 sqm area. The design of the mall is inspired by modern culture and Arabic region. The 360 Mall provides the most attractive shopping and vacation experience in Kuwait. In the mall there is a hypermarket, two department stores and entertainment areas.. The mall shows the best international, regional and Luxury experience for visitor of all ages. The 360 Mall has 7 different zones. It has 156 fashion, leisure, entertainment and dining outlets. The 360 mall has largest collection of brand in Kuwait. it has 1200 seat food Lounge, 38 restaurants and coffee shops. There are 15 states of art screens at Cinescape Cinema Complex, 2 VIP cinemas and an Imax theatre. There are 5000 s.q.m indoor family Entertainment Centre and Infunity featuring, 1500 s.q.m teenage entertainment centre and Freeze Club, a high-tech 20 lane Bowling facility, 2 customer services Desks and 3244 plus multi level and surface car parking lots. The 360 Mall gets 5 star level customer services. This is first time in the Kuwait when a mall gets 5 star in customer services. The Mall provides a Mall directory which helps the customers to easily locate the stores. This directory is available at Gate 1, Gate 4 and Gate 8 of the Mall entrance. It also provides the strollers for younger children. The strollers are available free of charge. The customer service Desks are available on Ground level. There are also banking, ATM, currency Exchange and Money transfer facilities provided in the Mall.

360 Mall Kuwait Address

The address of 360 Mall Kuwait is Sixth Ring Road, South Surra, Al Zahra’a Area, P.O. Box 29060, Safat 13151, Kuwait.

360 Mall Kuwait Email Address

The email address of 360 Mall Kuwait is website@360mall.com.

360 Mall Kuwait Website

The Website of 360 Mall Kuwait is www.360mall.com.

360 Mall Kuwait Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of 360 Mall Kuwait is +965 1800 360,Fax : +965 2530 9531 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of 360 Mall Kuwait Service Center and 360 Mall Kuwait customer phone number is given below. The helpline of 360 Mall Kuwait customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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