L and T Infotech Vashi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of L and T Infotech Vashi is +91 22 6795 4545 .
L&T Infotech (Larsen & Toubro Infotech) provides the IT solutions and services across the world. Although the company has established 39 offices in twenty two countries, still it has no office in Vashi area in Mumbai. In our Website we provide the address near to Vashi. Centered in Mumbai, L&T Infotech is ranked number eighth in India 2011-12. Started as Information Technology Ltd, it is the supporting company of Larsen & Toubro Ltd (L&T) and is renamed to current name in April 1997. The company has purchased GDA Technologies and all its offices in December 2006. It is rewarded with the various awards such as '6th Best Learning & Development Company in country, Best IT Software Award, Distinguished Service Supplier, etc. L&T Infotech offers the wide range of IT services such as Application Outsourcing, Business Intelligence, BPO, Consulting, ERP Services, Integrated Engineering Services, Manufacturing Execution Systems, Product Lifecycle Management, Testing Services, etc. The address and contact number of L and T Infotech Vashi is also used for L T Infotech Mahape and 3i Infotech Vashi .

Fax No: +91 22 2761 2580

L and T Infotech Vashi Address

The address of L and T Infotech Vashi is Plot No EL200, TTC Electronic Zone, Shil-Mahape Road, Navi Mumbai 400710 Maharashtra, India.

L and T Infotech Vashi Website

The Website of L and T Infotech Vashi is www.lntinfotech.com.

L and T Infotech Vashi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of L and T Infotech Vashi is +91 22 6795 4545 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of L and T Infotech Vashi Service Center and L and T Infotech Vashi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of L and T Infotech Vashi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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