Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra is +91-22-26572509/22, Fax No: +91-22-26572474 .
The Chief Inspector of Factories is liable for executing investigations, and for enforcement of the legal conditions in the industries, as entrusted from time to time by the Chief Inspector of Factories or Dy. The Chief Inspector of Factories looks after the administration of rules regulating work-related health, safety, work-environment, welfare, leave with income and working hours etc.

The main duties of the Chief Inspector of Factories is approval of new factory plans, Inquiry on the reports and articles published in the news papers, Registration and issuing license to factories and Inquiry on accidents. The Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra works under the administrative control of Labour Commissioner cum Secretary of Government of Maharashtra.

Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra Address

The address of Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra is Kamgar Bhavan, 5th Floor, Block E, C-20-Opp. RBI, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai–400051, Maharashtra, India..

Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra Email Address

The email address of Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra is

Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra is +91-22-26572509/22, Fax No: +91-22-26572474 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra Service Center and Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Chief Inspector of Factories Maharashtra customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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