Town of Windsor Ontario Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Town of Windsor Ontario is 519-255-(2489),Fax: (519) 256-3311 .
Windsor city is located in Southwest side of Ontario in Canada. The city had planted and cultivated rose beds in plenty and the air carried the fragrance of roses throughout the city. Windsor got its name “city of roses” and the residents who hail from Windsor are nicknamed as “Windsorites”.
Windsor city is the Automotive capital of Canada .The city belong to the Essex County in the Ontario province. The motto of the city is “The river and the land sustain us!”The city is governed by Windsor City Council. Windsor city is separated by Detroit River and it enjoys the status of being the only city that faces north of the United States. Windsor town gained city status in 1892.Windsor experiences humid continental climate.75 Riverside Drive is the tallest office tower with residential condos with commercial space. Bank of Commercial building is another landmark in Ouellette Avenue, the business paradise in Downtown Windsor. The Bell Canada Building is another skyscraper in Windsor. Department of Parks and Recreations preserves 3000 acres of green space. Mic Mac Park is recognized as one of the largest park complex among all the 180 parks located in Windsor. Manufacturing Industry, Tourism, Education and Government services contribute lion’s share to the Windsor’s economy.Windsor has a well developed infrastructure. The Ambassador Bridge, connects the two countries Canada and America. The international border crossing ranked number one in North America as the two countries does Mass volume of business trade. the Detroit –Windsor Tunnel, Canadian – Pacific Railway tunnel and the Detroit- Windsor Truck ferry are the channels other than Ambassador Bridge that links Canada to the United States. Windsor has been named by “FDI North American cities of the Future “as the 7th large City of the future in the North American subcontinent.

Town of Windsor Ontario Address

The address of Town of Windsor Ontario is 350, City Hall Square West, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9A 6S1.

Town of Windsor Ontario Email Address

The email address of Town of Windsor Ontario is

Town of Windsor Ontario Website

The Website of Town of Windsor Ontario is

Town of Windsor Ontario Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Town of Windsor Ontario is 519-255-(2489),Fax: (519) 256-3311 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Town of Windsor Ontario Service Center and Town of Windsor Ontario customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Town of Windsor Ontario customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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