Ct Institute Jalandhar Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ct Institute Jalandhar is +91-181- 5009595, 5009605, 5009591 .
CT Institute, Jalandhar is one of the leading group training institutions located in Greater Kailash, G.T Road, Maqsudan. The group offers high quality technical education through its fifteen professional institutions in North West region of the country. The CT Group of Institutions is a major multi-faculty academic group running all kind of Pharmaceutical, Engineering, information technology, Management, Airlines, Hotel Management and Tourism Courses.

The Ct Institute was founded in 1997 under the able assistance of S. Charanjit Singh Channi. Its campus is located in Maqsudan and Shahpur, Jalandhar. The CT Group of Institutions under his powerful authority had made a lasting niche in the academic field of the nation and it is the most sought after academic location for a large number of students of not only this area but also of far-off states like Rajasthan, Bihar, Uttaranchal, Utter Pradesh and many others. To find more information about the CT Institute, Jalandhar, visit on the official website. The address and contact number of Ct Institute Jalandhar is also used for Ct Institute Jalandhar lambra, Ct Institute of Technology and C.T.group of institute Shahpur

Ct Institute Jalandhar Address

The address of Ct Institute Jalandhar is Greater Kailash, G.T.Road, Maqsudan, Jalandhar-144008, Punjab, India..

Ct Institute Jalandhar Email Address

The email address of Ct Institute Jalandhar is info@ctgroup.in.

Ct Institute Jalandhar Website

The Website of Ct Institute Jalandhar is www.ctgroup.in.

Ct Institute Jalandhar Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ct Institute Jalandhar is +91-181- 5009595, 5009605, 5009591 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ct Institute Jalandhar Service Center and Ct Institute Jalandhar customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ct Institute Jalandhar customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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