I have purchased one Tata Photon Whiz while i was working in Maharashtra, now i am working in Karnataka. Tata Photon Whiz which i have purchased is not working and also i forgotten Tata Photon Whiz number Help me in activation and get no.
I have data card Tata Photon Whiz A/C No-980212562, i want to close the service. Do i know the process.
I have got a Tata Photon Whiz Internet Modem in the name of Ramesh Kumar Whose number Is 9263434707. It is a monthly prepaid modem. I got it recharged by Rs. 249 today at about 1. 00P. M., but till now no message have been received. Please resolve my problem.
Hi, My Tata Photon Whiz number is 9227710621. Recently it went into deactivate mode after which i called into your customer service and made it active. I also recharged it with 1800 rupees which provided me unlimited local 2G data for 365 days. But still it is not working in my windows 8. one laptop. It is not getting connected. Kindly assist.
Ms. Tulasi Chavala On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
Hi, I stopped using my Tataphoton whiz three years back. Will my modem still work. And i forgot my modem phone number how to get back the number.
Dear Sirs/Ma'ams, My Tata Photon Whiz device bears= MEID A9000020089383 PESN 808F3FIC. It was purchased sometimes in 2010 and may contain very old software. Now on Windows ten, it is not installing properly and starts installing each time it is inserted in the USB. The TATA number for this device is 9218035997. I have given my contact number mobile number 9816070946. Whenever I contact 1800 266 1212 for help I am asked to type ten digit number. I have tried both above numbers, but get response that it is not correct number. Today I am unable to connect and getting error 734. I have asked the local dealer to recharge @1800 for one year.
Dear Sir/MadamThis is Pravin , I have recharged my Tata Photon Whiz, DOCOMO for internet @444/- two days back, the translation ID-100005373851850 )MOBILE NO-9271614231), , but it not gets recharged, I am trying to follow up with your customer care, but no positive response from their side. Please clear the issued on urgent basisThanks Pravin .
I want recharge Tata Photon Whiz dongole for six months for institution. Is it possible? If possible what is Recharge amount? and where should I recharge, whether with mobile shop/market or online. Please clarify immediately I want recharge five DongoleModem No. Is 9226057419, 9226045905 etcMy contact No is : 8412054394.
Mr. Anand Kumar On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
Sir/ madam i had a data card and i want to recharge that by 249, but the retailer told me that one of the tower of TATA is handover to MTS at Chirawa Dist. Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan)and your card will not work. So please clarify this and also the documents required for reactivation of my data card. Location is near railway station at Chirawa.
I am not using my Tata Photon Whiz from last two years. Can i again use this without any problems? Because I transferred from Himachal to Uttarakhand. Please suggest me. Thanks.
Ms. Kirti Kargeti On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
I have TATA photon prepaid data card, I recharged on date 16/10/2014 at 21:02 Hr. It was connecting and opening yahoo mail, but it was unable to surfing any other local sites on Google home page. Kindly resolve it.Thank and Regard Kirti Kargeti.
JAMAL NAQVI On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
I am using TATA photon whiz (9267566198) since last three years, but i am not satisfy with your services because the connection is not working properly. At least 5-6 days my can nation is not working no billing light. So please advised me i have rechargedd 12 months.
Mr. Vishnu Vijayappan On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
My TATA photon whiz is not working on windows eight operating system. It will install the setup of TATA photon whiz, but it is not detecting the device after the installation. What should i do? Please help..
Mr. G.V.Babu On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
Dear sir,
I am using TATA photon whiz for internet connection for my laptop. Monthly package rupees 249 taken, but from two days it is not working.
Kindly check and correct.
G. V. Babu
My number 9246202606.
Mr. Balmukund Shivhare On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
I have not used my tataphoton whiz many days. I used this last time in December 2012. Now my tataphoton shows that a window that my tataphoton number is in correct,what can i do?
Ms. Laxmi On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
My TATA photon plus service number is 9225411210,and I reside in verem, near panjim, district: north Goa every month I pay my amount of rupees 781 only on time since the TATA photon collection center used to send their own people for collecting the rent from our home and as per confirmation from them every month promised to send their people for collection of the amount from me, but last this month they didn't turn up and we I am charged with a fine of rupees 871 only and again and again I am getting reminders to pay the their office outstanding amount, please I have difficulty due to which I cannot go personally t and pay the amount . why I should pay the extra amount when it is not my mistake.
Mr. AJEET SINGH KATIYAR On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
i have atata photo wize cdm net connector .i recharg it on 18-09-2013 rupees 1800, but i did not connect inter net from it. My TATA photo whiz number 9214138173 and trans ID 10000307467441 . please solve that problem. mail ID pratapgarhdepo@rsbcl.net and ajeetsinghk40@gmail.com.
Ms. Trapti On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
My TATA phone whiz recharge number is 9235856734. i purchased it in June 2011. I used it 3-4 upto 3-4 months. now again i want to use it, but it is not able to be recharged. what should be the problem and possible solution for it ??
Mr. sk shajahan On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
I have purchase TATA Photon Whiz Net connector last year. I did not recharge it continuously, Now i want to recharge it to use internet connection i forget my number would plaese tell me the num
Mr. adesh walia On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
My whiz number Is 9255804744. Request prrsent position of my device.coz it is not use since last three year.and how much amount i should recharge for its use
Mr. T JACOB MATHEW On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
My name is T Jacob Mathew. I live in Puthuppally, Kottayam, Kerala 686011.My Whiz number is 9249919445.For the last 03 weeks, I have not been getting internet connection on my photon whiz properly. The signal strength is only 02-03 bars against the full of 05. The upload/download speeds have been 2kpbs to 11kpbs respectively. I tried to communicate on the available number of one Mr. Chacko, who is looking on the complaints of Puthuppally, Kottayam, Kerala. But, he is not attending the call. Please do the needful, to render me proper service. I last recharged on the 3rd of July 2013.
Mr. Ganesh On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
Internet not connect, but recharge 3G plan 350
model TATA photon Whiz
Hi! STV Recharge Successful.Details - MRP:Rs 333.0 Tranc ID:100002870192069.
Time: 2013-07-13 15:13:38
MY MOBILE number 9527642763
Mr. madda sukumar On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
my name is sukumar i have tataphotanwhiz my modem number is 9247422562 it is a prepaid modem last seven months iam not use so connection is faild so i requested sir please activation my modem sir
Mr. Milind Deo On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
My TATA photon Whiz No.9260573506 in not working, internet can not be connected and showing the error no.628.Kindly sort out the problem.
My contact number is 9420193802
Mr. Jeyabal On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
I have purchased TATA Photon Whiz ( 9245455299 ) on sunday. Still I am not gettin any call from customer care and not activated my Net connection.
Could you please tell me when it will be activated my Net connection.
Mr. Mukund Waghmare On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
I purchase TATA Photon (9226470303) whiz in last year, I used it for first three month, after that it is not used up to 7-8 month. now I recharge it recently with rupees 333 along with rupees ten in main balance, though it is not get connected. what should be done to get connected.
Mr. Mukund On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
I purchase TATA Photon whiz in last year, I used it for first three month, after that it is not used up to 7-8 month. now I recharge it recently with rupees 333 along with rupees ten in main balance, though it is not get connected.
Mr. ASHISH GUPTA On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
Mr. Waghmare On Phone To Tata Photon Whiz Service
I have purchase TATA Photon Whiz Net connector last year. I did not recharge it continuously, Now i want to recharge it to use internet connection. what should be done for that