House of Windsor-veranda Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of House of Windsor-veranda is (+44) (0)20 7930 4832 .
Veranda is the high-end luxury design magazine that decodes the best living in style in an elegant way. Veranda is a monthly magazine on interior design and architecture. Veranda displays veteran designers’ piece of style advice for home décor; gardens and outdoor living; luxury and life style; food and travel.
Veranda has featured House of Windsor in Los Angeles as their first ever concept house. Windsor Smith designed the 8000 square -foot mansion as a concept house along with Veranda . The famous Los Angeles designers Kathryn M. Ireland and Martyn Lawrence Bullard have done with the beautification of the rooms. The other designers who actively involved designing the Windsor House are Candace Barnes, Stephen Block, Peter Dunham, Richard Hallberg, Tara Shaw, Paul Robbins and Richard Shapiro.
Veranda closely watched their first ever project of concept house from its inception, construction and finally, to its completion of the house into a livable home. Windsor Smith describes the kitchen as the new living room. Famous Celebrity couple Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin purchased House of Windsor for around $ 10 million displayed by Veranda. Sale of selected items from House of Windsor was put on sale by Veranda from 21- 24 September, 2011 at

House of Windsor-veranda Address

The address of House of Windsor-veranda is Her Majesty, The Queen, Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA.

House of Windsor-veranda Email Address

The email address of House of Windsor-veranda is

House of Windsor-veranda Website

The Website of House of Windsor-veranda is

House of Windsor-veranda Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of House of Windsor-veranda is (+44) (0)20 7930 4832 (Click phone number to call).

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