University of Windsor Macdonald Hall Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of University of Windsor Macdonald Hall is (519) 253-3000 ,Fax (519) 971-3631 .
Macdonald Hall is one among the six residences promoted by the University of Windsor. Macdonald Hall is a ten storey high rise building .Macdonald Hall is centrally located in the Heart of the university campus along with Cartier Hall and Laurier Hall. These residences are conjointly known as the Quad Residences.
The University accommodates first year undergraduate students in Macdonald Hall. They provide accommodation on co-ed basis. Most of the rooms in Macdonald Hall are double rooms and a few single rooms.
Macdonald Hall has facilities like single bed and mattress, desk and chair, desk lamp, closet space, mini fridge, cable TV outlet-one connection per student, a telephone line that enables to make a voice and conference call provided within the rooms.
Other amenities in the Macdonald building are forty seat capacity theatre, Courtyard with picnic tables, study space named as Moose Mountain, kitchen facilities, ping pong table, large screen TV in the main lounge, computer station in the main lobby, vending and snack facilities, wi-fi connection, laundry, are a few among them.

University of Windsor Macdonald Hall Address

The address of University of Windsor Macdonald Hall is 401, Sunset, Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4.

University of Windsor Macdonald Hall Email Address

The email address of University of Windsor Macdonald Hall is

University of Windsor Macdonald Hall Website

The Website of University of Windsor Macdonald Hall is

University of Windsor Macdonald Hall Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Windsor Macdonald Hall is (519) 253-3000 ,Fax (519) 971-3631 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University of Windsor Macdonald Hall Service Center and University of Windsor Macdonald Hall customer phone number is given below. The helpline of University of Windsor Macdonald Hall customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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