Apeejay Institute of Technology Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Apeejay Institute of Technology is (0120) 3088726, 9990749096 .
Apeejay Institute of Technology is a private coeducational institute located on Surajpur Kasna Road, Greater Noida, UP 201308, India. It was opened in the year 1997. The insitute provides Doctoral and Postgraduate Programmes in Management, commerce, information technology, Marketing and Finance. Professor D N Bajpai is the Director and professor of the Apeejay Institute of Technology. Its campus is spread in an area of around 29 acres which has schools, hostels and Residential accommodation for the students and staff members. There are an extensive facilities such as wi-fi connection, conference room, seminar room, laboratories, 24 hours internet service and many more. It is one of the country's top 5 institutes. The institute has also library facility which is well furnished with many facilities like a reference section, a separate Reading room and a magazine section. The library has a large collection of books. Sports facilities are also available in the campus. The address and contact number of Apeejay Institute of Technology is also used for Apeejay Institute of Technology admission, Apeejay Institute of Technology ranking, Apeejay Institute of Technology school of computer scienceApeejay Institute of Technology School of Architecture & planning fee structure, Apeejay Institute of Technology B tech and Apeejay Institute of Technology school of business management.

Fax Number: (0120) 2326018.

Apeejay Institute of Technology Address

The address of Apeejay Institute of Technology is 1, Institutional Area, Knowledge Park-I, Surajpur Kasna Road, Greater NOIDA, UP 201308, India.

Apeejay Institute of Technology Email Address

The email address of Apeejay Institute of Technology is admissions.ait@apeejay.edu.

Apeejay Institute of Technology Website

The Website of Apeejay Institute of Technology is www.apeejay.edu.

Apeejay Institute of Technology Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Apeejay Institute of Technology is (0120) 3088726, 9990749096 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Apeejay Institute of Technology Service Center and Apeejay Institute of Technology customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Apeejay Institute of Technology customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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