Oneida Baptist Institute Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Oneida Baptist Institute is 606-847-4111 .
Oneida Baptist Institute (OBI) is famous boarding school in the area of Oneida, Kentucky, United States. The institute was started by James Anderson Burns in 1900 with just four teachers and 125 students. The main objective of Oneida Baptist Institute is to provide the high quality Christian education to the citizens of United States. While the school is located in the rural area, it has the ability to fulfill the dynamic requirements of the society without compromising the teachings of Jesus. It provides the secure and well defined atmosphere to the students where they learn to take responsibility and live in self discipline. Oneida Baptist Institute provides the study about 270 students annually and 50% of its students are local & 20% belong to other nations. The address and contact number of Oneida Baptist Institute is also used for Oneida Baptist Institute reviews, Oneida Baptist Institute basketball, Oneida Baptist Institute calendar, Oneida Baptist Institute sis, Oneida Baptist Institute farmOneida Baptist Institute president, Oneida Baptist Institute alumniOneida Baptist Institute soccer.
Fax NO: 606-847-4496
Dormitory Phones: 606-847-4111

Oneida Baptist Institute Address

The address of Oneida Baptist Institute is 11 Mulberry Street, PO Box 67, Oneida, Kentucky 40972-0067 United States.

Oneida Baptist Institute Website

The Website of Oneida Baptist Institute is

Oneida Baptist Institute Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Oneida Baptist Institute is 606-847-4111 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Oneida Baptist Institute Service Center and Oneida Baptist Institute customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Oneida Baptist Institute customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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