acacia resort anilao Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of acacia resort anilao is +63 917 886 9036 .
Acacia Resort and Dive Center is located in the middle of the Mabini-Tingloy Pensinsula, north of Puerto Galera and West of the Verde Island Passage. The resort was opened on October 28, 2008 and offers several standard rooms, Deluxe Rooms and Deluxe Suites. Acacia Resort's other amenities and services include Airport Transfers, Restaurant, Swimming Pool, Bar, In-room Cable TV etc. The Dive Center at Acacia Resort offers PADI and GUE courses along with twin (manifolded) cylinders, backplates, wings, deco/stage bottles and regulators available for rent. The dive sites at the Acacia resort include some of the great reef and wall dives, sea mounds and coral gardens viz Twin Rocks, Cathedral, Basura and Beatriz Rock. The buffet-style restaurant and bar at the Acacia Resort serves Filipino and international cuisine

acacia resort anilao Address

The address of acacia resort anilao is Brgy Ligaya 4202 Mabini, Batangas.

acacia resort anilao Email Address

The email address of acacia resort anilao is

acacia resort anilao Website

The Website of acacia resort anilao is

acacia resort anilao Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of acacia resort anilao is +63 917 886 9036 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of acacia resort anilao Service Center and acacia resort anilao customer phone number is given below. The helpline of acacia resort anilao customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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