aniruddha chakladar Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of aniruddha chakladar is +91 98300 39699, +91 332440 3513 .
Aniruddha Chakladar is an Indian film make up artist. He has been in this business since 1995. Aniruddha Chakladar got his big break in 2003 working with Sharmila Tagore in Rituparno Ghosh’s Bengali feature film, Shubho Mahurat. Aniruddha Chakladar has worked with directors like Aniruddha Roy Choudhury, Rituparno Ghosh, Aparna Sen, Atanu Ghosh, Mainak Bhoumik etc., and his list of films include Kagojer Bou, Takhan 23, Elar Char Adhyay, Antaheen etc. He is also famous across India for his bridal make up and does make up of NRIs and even brides of other nationalities across the globe. Aniruddha Chakladar conducts workshops throughout the year for leading cosmetic brands and media and corporate houses along with writing columns for leading newspapers and fashion shoots for regional and national magazines. He is also well known for crafting actor and model portfolios.

aniruddha chakladar Address

The address of aniruddha chakladar is 8/13 Fern Road, Kolkata - 700019 West Bengal India.

aniruddha chakladar Email Address

The email address of aniruddha chakladar is

aniruddha chakladar Website

The Website of aniruddha chakladar is

aniruddha chakladar Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of aniruddha chakladar is +91 98300 39699, +91 332440 3513 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of aniruddha chakladar Service Center and aniruddha chakladar customer phone number is given below. The helpline of aniruddha chakladar customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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